Monday, December 26, 2011


Passion is word that I think most christians today don't understand anymore. Passion is a hard concept to conprehend. Not everybody has passion. It saddens me to say that the people that should have the most passion sit in the back pews with their arms crossed on sundays. As a christian we need passion. The definition of passionate is "A strong emotion toward something such as love." A prime example of a passionate person in the bible was John the babtist. You can read about it in Luke 2,3, and 4. He had a few qualities that I believe as passionate, radical christians we should possess. Here they are.............

  1. We have to spend time in solitude. We should be in Gods' word 24/7. How else will God speak to us? In the times that we are living in, we need God to speak to the depths of our hearts. Studying Gods' word opens up the door for his presence to abide with us, and as christians we should always be hungry for the presence of God.
  2. We have to feel consumed with the mission/calling that God has on our lives. We have to want to dive into what God has called us to be.
  3. We have to be wired. John the baptist was a voice calling out, and exhorter. (Luke 3:4-18) Wired to win souls for Jesus. Wired to not care what people think about us. When we all get to heaven, their are not going to be judgmental people around you, so don't let judgmental people on earth hender you from doing what God has called you to do.
  4. We need to strive for what is right. We need justice in this world. John strived for justice (Luke 3:10-14).
  5. We need to see things as black and white. So many times as christians today we don't always see just black and white. We see the grey in things. Can I just tell you that there is not grey. It is either wrong or right. It is either sin or not sin. Grey is not on Gods' color wheel. We need to stop sugar coating everything. All we are doing is giving new names to old sins.
  6. We can't settle for anything less than action. Action is what Jesus took, when he went to the cross. He was passionate about what? About saving us, because he loved us so much. As christians we need to take on that identity. The identity of Jesus that says I love you. That's what this world needs. They don't need polliester fake. We need some real people to stand up and catch a passion for God. They need realness. REAL PASSION. The passion of the Christ.

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