Sunday, May 1, 2011

Generational Impacter

Have you ever been written off in your life? Have people doubted you, and said that your not qualified to do anything for God? That is basically the story of all generational impacters in the bible. Look at the life of David. When Samuel came to Jesse's house to anoint the next king, and Samuel tells Jesse to bring all of his sons into the house, Jesse doesn't even call David into the house. But yet God knew David was in the field, and David was anointed to be king. Jesse had written off his son David. For reasons probably like he's to small, or he's not strong enough, or he's not smart enough to be a king. But I'm so thankful God uses the people who have been labeled useless by this world.

It appears to me that all generational impacters in the bible were labeled as useless. They were counted out. Take for example Saul(Paul) who killed and persecuted christians, before the road to Damascus. He was counted out by probably all christians, or priests in that era. But then he had an encounter with God, and ends up writing 3/4 of the new testament. He flipped this world upside down for Christ.

What makes a generational impacter? The first thing is this, a generational impacter must be devoted to God's word, and always have his spiritual ears open. God talks to us through his word, and if we don't read, then we are going to miss something that God is trying to tell us. Revelations 2:29, and 3:22 says "He that hath an ear, let him hear. I think if God says it twice, it must be important. Have you ever tried to talk to someone, and they are talking to you at the same time? Do you know how annoying that is? You can't hear each other and the conversation gets nowhere. I think that sometimes that's what we do with God. We talk to him, but never let him talk to us. Habakkuk 2:20 even says "Let the Earth be silent before him." Because maybe God is trying to speak to you. God will instruct us on what we are to do.

Secondly, we have to put Gods' word into action. There is a process on getting better at anything you do in life. You have to work hard. And you might even go through some things while you are working hard. Take for example weight lifting. If I want to get stronger, I have to put in hard work in the weight room. And don't always take your adversity as a travesty. Going back to weight lifting; there is a science behind it. Lifting weights doesn't make your muscles big. It is the healing process that makes them bigger. When you lift, your just taring your muscles down, and when they heal, they get bigger than what they were(stronger). Sometimes in order to make us spiritually stronger, God has to break us down, and then when we start to get built back up again, that's where we get stronger. Because we learned from our adversities. Look at Joseph. He had to go through the pit, before he could get to the palace. I think God was preparing Joseph for the palace. If God would have put Joseph just strait to the palace, Joseph might have turned away from God, thinking that he didn't need God in order to get to the palace. When as a matter of fact, that is absolutely who he needed.

Thirdly, we have to be extreme. Some christians don't like when you say extreme. But I believe that we are in a generation that will not listen to fake plastic christians. I'm just stating the truth. This world can spot fake coming a mile away. We have to be real with people. Sometimes we have to be extreme when we are being real. "Well God wasn't extreme," is the excuse of most churches in today's society. We are talking about a God who split a whole sea, fed 5,000 people, turned a stick into a snake, and if I'm not mistaking didn't he create EVERYTHING. Get the picture. It's time to have parking lot revivals. So I leave you with this question, who will be the first person to stand up in the cafeteria and say ,"I want to talk to you about a man that can change your life."?

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