Monday, April 11, 2011

10 Questions to Think About.........

1.) Do we really believe Jesus is worth abandoning everything for?
2.) How hungry would you say you are for God’s Word?
3.) Would you say that you are, not merely interested in, but desperate for the power of God? Why or why not?
4.)  Specifically, how do you think God might want you to help fulfill his global purpose?
5.) Do you see yourself as a disciple maker?
6.) If Jesus were to give you the same command he gave to the rich young ruler in Scripture—namely that you are to sell everything and follow him—could you do it?
7.)  On a scale of from 1 to 10, how much of a sense of urgency do you feel inside right now about bringing the gospel to those who don’t know Christ?
8.)  For you, what is the most wonderful part of the truth that God himself is your greatest reward?
9.) Do you find it easy or hard to believe that Jesus would call us to go to danger, and maybe even to death, for his sake? Why?

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